You know the feeling: You roll out of bed and you need your caffeine fix now. That's where the best Keurig coffee maker comes into play. These single-serve machines are famous for their speed and user-friendliness. They make just enough for one cup: No more brewing a full pot only to let it sit ... and sit ... and eventually dump it down the drain. We tested five popular models, and we found one that can brew it all.About 45 million households across the United States and Canada have a Keurig coffee machine. It's no wonder: As far as single-serve coffee makers go, they're affordable, starting at around $90, and they go on sale often. Just know that you're paying for convenience, not necessarily the best coffee taste (for that, consider one of these great espresso machines). That said, you'll never lack variety when it comes to Keurig coffee pods, called K-Cups. Major brands including Starbucks and Dunkin' make all kinds of K-cup coffee, from flavored blends to dark roasts. Even celebs have gotten in on the game (hey there, Kevin Costner).
Table of contents:
- 1股价大涨超113%,博实结登陆创业板,主营业务毛利率存在波动
- 22024年新奥门王中王资料,绝对经典解释落实_数据版78.86.17
- 3近15亿元!内蒙古“煤炭大王”,溢价买入这只A股!
- 4民生证券给予宝武镁业推荐评级
- 5买的房子临近交付,样板间却被拆除?官方认定违规,开发商称“这是误会”
- 6苏利股份(603585.SH):向激励对象授予385万股限制性股票
- 72024年新奥门免费资料大全,最爱详细解释落实_3DM66.90.21
- 8ETF资金流向:7月国泰证券ETF遭净赎回28亿元,华夏科创50ETF净赎回27亿,华宝券商ETF净赎回15亿(附图)
- 9创新、求稳、聚焦 化妆品“大佬”热议如何破局行业存量周期
- 10亚钾国际:国富投资拟将其持有的9.01%公司股份协议转让给汇能集团
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