
Travelling is definitely an exciting experience, and speaking English can greatly enhance your travel experience, as it is widely spoken in many parts of the world. This guide will provide you with some essential English phrases and expressions that you might find useful when traveling.

Booking Accommodation:

I would like to book a room for [number] nights, please.

Do you have any rooms available for tonight?

How much is a room per night?

Does the room have a private bathroom?

At the Airport:

Where is the departure gate for my flight?

Can you tell me where the baggage claim area is?

I need to check in for my flight to [destination].

Is there a free WiFi hotspot in the airport?

Using Public Transportation:

Could you tell me how to get to the train station?

Which bus goes to the city center?

How often does the subway run?

Is this the right bus for [destination]?

At the Hotel:

Can I have an extra pillow, please?

What time is breakfast served?

Is there a shuttle service to the airport?

Could you recommend a good restaurant nearby?

Eating Out:

Could we see the menu, please?

I would like to make a reservation for tonight.

Is service included in the bill?

Could I have the check, please?

Asking for Directions:

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest ATM?

Which way is the nearest subway station?

Can you show me on the map where we are?

Is the [landmark] within walking distance from here?


How much does this cost?

Do you take credit cards?

Could I try this on?

Do you have this in a different color/size?

Emergency Situations:

Can you call an ambulance, please?

I've lost my passport. What should I do?

Is there a pharmacy nearby?

My bag has been stolen. Can I report it here?

These phrases should help you navigate various situations while traveling in an Englishspeaking country. It's also essential to practice a few key survival phrases, such as "hello," "thank you," "excuse me," and "I don't understand," as they can go a long way in helping you communicate effectively.

Remember, learning a few basic English phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience and make your trip more enjoyable and stressfree. Safe travels!


